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Week 4


  • create three angular component and run each three library in different different componentent
  • create a better responsive UI for run this library
  • Add New Functionality in text to speech translation
  • Start writting documentation

Screenshots / Videos

TTT screenshot Demo Video Text To Text Translation

TTS screenshot Demo Video Text To Speech Translation

TTT and TTS Screeenshot Demo Video Text To Text And Text To Speech Translation


PR Link

Mid-Point Showcase Slides


Learn How to Writing a proper documentation It is essential to ensure that my project is well understood, accessible, and maintainable by other developers and users

Mid-point Showcase Feedback:- After reviewing my work, My Super Mentor Was impressed with Me.They Suggest me To create a proper documentation to enhance the overall usability and accessibility of the library, This documentation should cover not only the API reference but also include usage examples and explanations to guide users effectively.